Monday - Friday | 12:00 AM - 7:00 PM (Mountain Time / UTC -7).Monday - Friday | 2:00 AM - 9:00 PM (Eastern Time / UTC -5).Please see the details below for support options and availability. Support is included in your catalog subscription cost. If you want to try the limited trial catalog using the ConfigMgr in-console publishing, enter this URL in the add custom catalog The limited trial only contains a subset of supported products, including: The limited trial mode can be enabled using the checkbox in the General tab of the Publisher. A 30-day full trial can automatically convert into a paid subscription if you decide to purchase. The full trial is valid for 30-days and is not feature or product limited.
The most common evaluation option is a full-access 30-day trial that can be requested at Request a Free Trial: Patch My PC for Microsoft SCCM or Intune. Yes, we have two options you can use for evaluation purposes.